The West Virginia State Historic Preservation Office, in conjunction with the National Park Service, Department 0f the Interior, is sponsoring a Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Training Workshop for local preservation commissioners and staff, architects, engineers, consultants, real estate professionals and other individuals interested in preservation.
LEED is an internationally recognized program that promotes a Whole-building approach to sustainability in architecture by recognizing performance selection and indoor environmental quality. The LEED rating system was developed in 2000 t0 provide means of certifying the “greenness” 0f certain projects, but has not always worked cooperatively with projects trying to meet the Secretary of the Interior ’s Standards for the Treatment Properties. The two-day training Workshop will educate those who would like to learn more about the program’s interconnection with historic preservation and the Standards. The workshop will focus on general sustainability in the context of preservation, and will also include training and preparation for anyone wishing to take the LEED Green Associate exam. The workshop will be held Sept. 9-10, from 8:30 am – 5:00 pm at the Culture Center in Charleston. It is FREE for members of Certified Local Governments and $100 per person for others. Registration is due by Monday, August 26th. To register and for more information, contact Pam Brooks at [email protected] or by calling 304-558-0240. Comments are closed.
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December 2024
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