Blue Sulphur Springs, Greenbrier County March 2019 Update: There has been no real progress on the rehabilitation in the last year. The Greenbrier Historical Society has raised some more money and submitted grant applications, and their goal is to bid some foundation work in the late summer. Community support remains strong and the structure is stabilized but that will not last forever. More funding is needed. 2017 Update: There has been no new progress since completion of the first phase of the site’s enormous restoration project in December 2016. A Transportation Alternatives Grant application has been submitted for the next restoration phase. If awarded, the pavilion will be a third of the way to completion. The remaining projects include repairing and waterproofing the foundation, installing a new floor and a roof, and other finishing touches. 2013: The Blue Sulphur Springs Pavilion is located approximately 9 miles north of Alderson (Greenbrier County) in a cattle pasture surrounded by mountains. The Greek Revival pavilion, or springhouse, was constructed in 1845 and was the heart of a mid-nineteenth century resort complex at Blue Sulphur Springs where Dr. Alexis Martin was the resident physician. Dr. Martin administered the first mud baths in the United States at the resort while also treating patients with the mineral waters and other remedies. The pavilion and former resort also served as a bivouac and hospital for Confederate soldiers during the Civil War until being burned by Union troops. The deteriorating pavilion is the only structure remaining of the once fashionable resort and has not been maintained for many years. Now the Greenbrier Historical Society is working with the current owner to obtain ownership of the pavilion and some surrounding acreage and is already making plans to reuse and develop the site for heritage tourism purposes.
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Endangered Properties ListIf you are interested in assisting with any of these preservation projects, contact the Preservation Alliance of West Virginia at [email protected].
March 2024