2012 Conference
Sharing Stories, Learning Lessons: Truth & Triumph in Historic Preservation
2012 Preservation Alliance of WV Historic Preservation Conference Recap
Jefferson County, September 27-29, 2012
List of Presentations
Speaker Biographies
Event Photo Gallery
Over 120 people enjoyed the historic preservation conference this year in Jefferson County, WV, with activities ranging from educational sessions to guided tours of Shepherdstown and several Washington Family Homes. Participants visited three separate locations in Jefferson County – Shepherdstown, Charles Town and Harpers Ferry - which allowed presenters and participants to experience some of the most popular historic destinations in the eastern panhandle. Highlights included the exploration of Harpers Ferry National Historical Park, John Williams’ and Beth Erickson’s workshop on building capacity for historic preservationists, the Mills Group’s session on using Google Sketch-up for preservation projects, and the hands-on historic masonry workshop with Moss Rudley and his expert team from the National Park Service Historic Preservation Training Center.
Historic preservationists were also honored Friday evening during the 2012 Historic Preservation Awards Banquet
Ed McMahon of the Urban Land Institute followed the awards program with an inspirational keynote speech. Ed’s talk was one of the most popular presentations of the conference. He identified some of West Virginia’s greatest resources – both natural and historic – and encouraged us to emphasize the image we envision for our communities while taking a strong stand in promoting our preservation projects. In cases where we have to work with corporations or chains, Ed urged us not to back down from our preservation goals. He shared success stories where preservationists effectively worked with corporations and achieved compatible design for new construction, as well as building reuse, in historic areas. From many of Ed’s examples, it was obvious that West Virginians can achieve preservation success if we demand it. Ed summed up many of the lessons shared by the other presenters during the conference. We need to have good communication within communities about preservation projects, partner with other interested parties, educate our public officials about why preservation is important for economic growth, and be in it for the long haul while maintaining a strong, positive, and cooperative attitude.
There were so many quality presentations at the conference, including Donna Ann Harris’s presentation on New Solutions for House Museums, Norman Schwertferger’s talk about the role and responsibility of nonprofit board members, and Dr. Peter Schaeffer’s plenary speech about the logic and limitation of economic approaches in historic preservation. PAWV appreciates all the Speakers who travelled to be with us.
Preservation Alliance of WV is very thankful for its conference volunteers from Appalachian Forest Heritage Area AmeriCorps team, West Virginia University’s History Department, Coal Heritage Highway Authority VISTA program, and West Virginia Wesleyan College.
Also a gracious thank you to our 2012 Sponsors, Hosts and Partners. The conference would not have been as successful without your generous support.
2012 Sponsors, Partners & Hosts:
Jefferson County, September 27-29, 2012
List of Presentations
Speaker Biographies
Event Photo Gallery
Over 120 people enjoyed the historic preservation conference this year in Jefferson County, WV, with activities ranging from educational sessions to guided tours of Shepherdstown and several Washington Family Homes. Participants visited three separate locations in Jefferson County – Shepherdstown, Charles Town and Harpers Ferry - which allowed presenters and participants to experience some of the most popular historic destinations in the eastern panhandle. Highlights included the exploration of Harpers Ferry National Historical Park, John Williams’ and Beth Erickson’s workshop on building capacity for historic preservationists, the Mills Group’s session on using Google Sketch-up for preservation projects, and the hands-on historic masonry workshop with Moss Rudley and his expert team from the National Park Service Historic Preservation Training Center.
Historic preservationists were also honored Friday evening during the 2012 Historic Preservation Awards Banquet
Ed McMahon of the Urban Land Institute followed the awards program with an inspirational keynote speech. Ed’s talk was one of the most popular presentations of the conference. He identified some of West Virginia’s greatest resources – both natural and historic – and encouraged us to emphasize the image we envision for our communities while taking a strong stand in promoting our preservation projects. In cases where we have to work with corporations or chains, Ed urged us not to back down from our preservation goals. He shared success stories where preservationists effectively worked with corporations and achieved compatible design for new construction, as well as building reuse, in historic areas. From many of Ed’s examples, it was obvious that West Virginians can achieve preservation success if we demand it. Ed summed up many of the lessons shared by the other presenters during the conference. We need to have good communication within communities about preservation projects, partner with other interested parties, educate our public officials about why preservation is important for economic growth, and be in it for the long haul while maintaining a strong, positive, and cooperative attitude.
There were so many quality presentations at the conference, including Donna Ann Harris’s presentation on New Solutions for House Museums, Norman Schwertferger’s talk about the role and responsibility of nonprofit board members, and Dr. Peter Schaeffer’s plenary speech about the logic and limitation of economic approaches in historic preservation. PAWV appreciates all the Speakers who travelled to be with us.
Preservation Alliance of WV is very thankful for its conference volunteers from Appalachian Forest Heritage Area AmeriCorps team, West Virginia University’s History Department, Coal Heritage Highway Authority VISTA program, and West Virginia Wesleyan College.
Also a gracious thank you to our 2012 Sponsors, Hosts and Partners. The conference would not have been as successful without your generous support.
2012 Sponsors, Partners & Hosts:
- Jefferson County Historic Landmarks Commission: www.jeffersoncountyhlc.org/
- National Trust for Historic Preservation: www.preservationnation.org/
- West Virginia Division of Culture & History, State Historic Preservation Office: www.wvculture.org/shpo/
- Wheeling National Heritage Area: www.wheelingheritage.org/
- West Virginia University Division of Design & Merchandising: www.design.wvu.edu/
- West Virginia University History Department: http://history.wvu.edu
- Claymont Society of Continuous Education: www.claymontseminars.com/
- Quality Hotel & Conference Center: www.qualityhotelhf.com/
- Harpers Ferry National Historical Park: www.nps.gov/hafe/
- National Park Service Training Center: www.nps.gov/training/hptc/
- Byrd Center, Shepherd University: www.byrdcenter.org/
- Shepherd University Historic Preservation Program: www.facebook.com/HPatSU
- Allegheny Restoration: www.alleghenyrestoration.com/
- Mills Group: www.millsgrouponline.com/
- Friends of Happy Retreat: www.happyretreat.org/
- Historic Beverly: www.historicbeverly.org/
- The Walkabout Company: www.gowalkabout.com/
- American Public University System: www.apus.edu/
- Bistro 112: www.bistro112.com/
- Tony’s Pizza and Pub: www.tonysstonewalls.com/
- Weis Market: www.weismarkets.com
- Scott Hill Occasions: www.scotthillwv.com
- Good Mansion Wines: www.goodmansionwines.com
PAWV Statewide Preservation Conference, Jefferson County, WV
September 27-29, 2012
Jefferson County is West Virginia’s Eastern Gateway. Rich in early American, Civil War, and Civil Rights history, Jefferson County boasts almost 2000 historic resources, numerous Washington Family homes, and several historic districts. Enjoy conference stops in Shepherdstown, Charles Town, and Harpers Ferry, and learn useful skills for preservation success by attending educational sessions and workshops..
Conference Highlights Include:
Sponsors and Host Partners Include:
September 27-29, 2012
Jefferson County is West Virginia’s Eastern Gateway. Rich in early American, Civil War, and Civil Rights history, Jefferson County boasts almost 2000 historic resources, numerous Washington Family homes, and several historic districts. Enjoy conference stops in Shepherdstown, Charles Town, and Harpers Ferry, and learn useful skills for preservation success by attending educational sessions and workshops..
Conference Highlights Include:
- American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP) Certificate Maintenance credits are being offered for the first time. Credit is confirmed for 3.75 credit hours for the following conference sessions:
- The Role of Wayfinding in Heritage Tourism (Friday, 4:00-5:15)
- The Dollars and Sense of Preserving and Enhancing Community Character (Friday, Awards Banquet, 6:30)
- Strengthening the Heart of Your Community: How Buckhannon is Revitalizing Their Town with Great Spaces and Historic Places (Saturday, 10:00-11:15)
- Keynote Speech (Saturday, Luncheon, 11:30) - Full-day workshops in masonry and pairing historic preservation with economic development as well as shorter educational sessions in Heritage Tourism, Organizational Development, and Preservation Skills.
- Preservation Driving Tour of Washington Family Homes and Walking Tour at Arsenal Square, Lower Town of Harpers Ferry.
- PAWV 2012 Awards Banquet with keynote speaker Ed McMahon of the Urban Land Institute.
- Luncheon and PAWV Annual Meeting at the historic Claymont Mansion.
Sponsors and Host Partners Include:
- Jefferson County Historic Landmarks Commission
- West Virginia State Historic Preservation Office, West Virginia Division of Culture & History
- West Virginia University Division of Design & Merchandising
- West Virginia University History Department, Public History Program
- Wheeling National Heritage Area Corporation
- John Allen Jr.
- Pat Rissler & Jim Rogers
- Mills Group LLC
- Friends of Happy Retreat
- The Walkabout Company LLC
- The Claymont Mansion
- Allegheny Restoration & Builders, Inc.
- The Quality Hotel & Conference Center
- Harpers Ferry National Park
- Shepherd University Historic Preservation Class
- Byrd Center, Shepherd University
The conference featured in this brochure has been financed in part with Federal funds from the National Park Service, Department of the Interior. Regulations of the U.S. Department of the Interior strictly prohibit unlawful discrimination in departmental Federally Assisted Programs on the basis of race, color, national origin, age or handicap. Any person who believes he or she has been discriminated against in any program, activity, or facility operated by a recipient of Federal assistance should write to: Office of Equal Opportunity, National Park Service, 1849 C Street, NW, Washington, DC 20240.