2016 Conference
The premier historic preservation event of the year includes hands-on workshops, educational concurrent sessions, tours, and more. Conference attendees can choose to attend workshops and educational sessions related to three conference tracks, which focus on specific themes common in historic preservation projects and development. By featuring three different tracks, conference attendees can choose the topic that best reflects their interests and gain the most from their experience. Each activity in the schedule reflects one of the three conference tracks.
Three Conference Tracks:
- Exploring cultural heritage tourism connections - This track will focus on finding new connections for historic sites, people, and communities.
- Connecting health and safety with preservation - This track involves historic preservation’s connections with green development and healthy communities and will address issues of safety in preservation practice and the healthy historic buildings that can result.
- Building connections for stronger organizations and communities - This track will focus on partnerships and networking, increasing involvement and engagement, and funding for successful and sustainable preservation organizations. Upon registration, you will be prompted to register for all the activities in which you would like to attend. You can pick up your registration materials for the conference at the Beverly Heritage Center.
The schedule of events:
Thursday, September 22, 2016
10:00 am - 4:30 pm - The cost of lunch is included in the workshop/tour fee.
Connect with the Beverly Heritage Center during this welcome to Beverly and to the Conference. Explore the Beverly Heritage Center complex of four historic buildings. See the rotating exhibit for the season on preservation of local residential architecture, and visit the four permanent exhibits enlivened by costumed docents and living history characters. Mountain Winds woodwind trio will perform Civil War music, and an optional “preservation story” tour of the Center will visit some of the out-of-the-way corners. Enjoy a variety of delectable hors d’oeuvres and refreshments, featuring local restaurants and home-cooked by volunteers. Conference registration, information, and exhibitor hall will all be included.
Friday, September 23, 2016
8:30 am - 10:30 am - The cost of lunch is included in your registration fee for the day.
11:30 am - 1:15 pm - Catered Lunch and Opening Plenary Session with Tom Mayes,Vice President and Senior Counsel for the National Trust for Historic Preservation. Tom's talk is entitled "Why Old Places Matter" during which he will explore some of the many reasons that old places matter to people. Track 1
1:30 pm - 2:45 pm - Concurrent Educational Sessions begin:
8th Annual Historic Preservation Awards at Halliehurst Mansion with Keynote Speaker Daniel Carey - Enjoy dinner, refreshments, and an awards presentation. Daniel Carey, President and CEO of the Historic Savannah Foundation, will give a keynote speech entitled "Secrets of Preserving a Historic Building" in which he will touch upon the value of heritage tourism, the competitiveness of historic buildings in terms of energy efficiency, and collaborations Historic Savannah Foundation enjoys with non-traditional partners in Savannah.
Saturday, September 24, 2016
8:30 am - 9:45 am
Conference Hotel InformationThe conference's designated hotel is the Iron Road Inn, a locally-owned, railroad-themed property in Elkins. The conference's special-rate room block filled by the hotel's August 8th deadline. However, rooms are still available during the conference dates. Please visithttp://ironroadinn.com/ or call 304-637-1888 for reservations at the hotel's regular rate.
As an alternative, PAWV recommends the Hampton Inn in Elkins. Please visit http://hamptoninn3.hilton.com/en/hotels/west-virginia/hampton-inn-elkins-EKNWVHX/index.html or call 304-630-7500 for reservations.
Thank you to Sponsors and Partners!
This conference is being financed in part with Federal funds from the National Park Service, Department of the Interior. Regulations of the U.S. Department of the Interior strictly prohibit unlawful discrimination in departmental Federally Assisted Programs on the basis of race, color, national origin, age or handicap. Any person who believes he or she has been discriminated against in any program, activity, or facility operated by a recipient of Federal assistance should write to:
Chief, Office of Equal Opportunity Programs
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
1201 Eye Street, NW (2740)
Washington, DC 20005
10:00 am - 4:30 pm - The cost of lunch is included in the workshop/tour fee.
- Touring the Allegheny Highlands: From a Company Town to New Deal Homesteads - Track 1 - Immerse in a journey through the Allegheny Highlands. Folklorists, oral historians and audio producers Michael and Carrie Kline of Talking Across the Lines will drive a van through the high country, while travelers listen to recordings of music, stories and history told by the people who lived here. Participants will stop at Cass Scenic Railroad to have lunch, enjoy a walking tour of the park, and visit the shops and museum.
- These Places Matter! Randolph County Preservation Successes - Track 1 - Sponsored by Rich Mountain Battlefield Foundation and C-HOPE (Citizens for Historical Preservation, Preservation and Opportunity). In the morning, visit the Rich Mountain Battlefield Civil War Site, where Hunter Lesser, noted author about the First Campaign, will share stories of the battle significance, the role played by civilians, and how the site has been preserved. Following lunch in Beverly, the tour will explore some preservation success stories in Elkins, including PAWV award-winner First Ward School Apartments, the Darden Mill, now home of Appalachian Forest Discovery Center and WV Railroad Museum, the Delmonte Market, and the Gov. Kump House being restored by the Kump Education Center.
- Restoration/Rehabilitation Methods Hands-on Workshop - Track 2 - PAWV's Lynn Stasick will lead a day-long presentation/workshop at a historic home, the Collett House, on such matters as safety in the workplace, establishing a safe work and changing room, the use of wood consolidents and fillers, proper methods of self-protection, methods for sealing a building envelope, and accepted mothballing procedures.
- REGISTRATION CLOSED - Any Place We Love Can be Saved: Fundraising as Building Preservation Friendships - Track 3 - Beth Raps of Raising Clarity will lead a full-day workshop that is outcome-focused: not just quick money but a loyal donor base ensuring long-lasting money for the long haul, mirroring the long-term nature of preservation.
Connect with the Beverly Heritage Center during this welcome to Beverly and to the Conference. Explore the Beverly Heritage Center complex of four historic buildings. See the rotating exhibit for the season on preservation of local residential architecture, and visit the four permanent exhibits enlivened by costumed docents and living history characters. Mountain Winds woodwind trio will perform Civil War music, and an optional “preservation story” tour of the Center will visit some of the out-of-the-way corners. Enjoy a variety of delectable hors d’oeuvres and refreshments, featuring local restaurants and home-cooked by volunteers. Conference registration, information, and exhibitor hall will all be included.
Friday, September 23, 2016
8:30 am - 10:30 am - The cost of lunch is included in your registration fee for the day.
- Local Voices As Audio History: Sound Techniques and Amazing Authenticity, an Oral History Workshop - Track 1 - Michael Kline will encourage participants to explore the scope and methods of research and preservation of local memory, as well as approaches to oral history interviewing. This workshop will be supplemented by an afternoon workshop.
- Historic Preservation, Dilapidated Buildings and Local Regulations: A Working Session - Track 2 - Options to preserve historic properties may be limited or enhanced depending on the local regulations adopted in a community. This work session will walk participants through several hypothetical scenarios involving Historic Landmark Commissions, Planning Commissions and Code Enforcement Officers. The topics will include the interplay between historic preservation, dilapidated buildings, the building code and zoning ordinances. A certified planner, a licensed code enforcement officer and licensed attorneys will facilitate the discussion. As part of the session, participants will be asked to break into small groups, read short sections of local laws and predict outcomes of hypothetical scenarios. For example, participants will be asked to read a short section of the International Building Code and asked how they think a code enforcement officer will interpret and enforce an alleged violation involving a historic yet dilapidated property.
- Dollars & Sense of Historic Rehabilitation -Track 3 - Based on the highly successfully two-course certification series on Historic Real Estate Finance developed jointly by the National Trust for Historic Preservation and National Development Council, the “Dollars and Sense of Historic Rehabilitation” session will focus on working with financial institutions and Community Development Entities (CDE) to attract debt, Rehabilitation Tax Credit (RTC) equity and New Markets Tax Credit (NMTC) allocations to historic rehabilitation projects. Understanding the debt capacity of a project – and how properly structured RTCs and NMTCs can help to close financing gaps – is critical to efforts aimed at preserving and repurposing historic properties. Basic underwriting tips and tricks will be discussed and a case study will explore how lenders, investors and CDEs evaluate historic rehabilitation projects.
11:30 am - 1:15 pm - Catered Lunch and Opening Plenary Session with Tom Mayes,Vice President and Senior Counsel for the National Trust for Historic Preservation. Tom's talk is entitled "Why Old Places Matter" during which he will explore some of the many reasons that old places matter to people. Track 1
1:30 pm - 2:45 pm - Concurrent Educational Sessions begin:
- Voices Along the Staunton/Parkersburg Turnpike - Track 1 - Follow-up session to the oral history workshop with Michael Kline in which Kline will focus on the methodology of using oral histories for heritage tourism development.
- Mortars for Rebedding, Repointing, and Stuccoing Historic Masonry - Track 2 - Craig Bennett, a practicing engineer based in South Carolina, will describe the materials now regularly used for preservation mortars, offers guidance on mortar selection, and shows how the materials are properly used.
- Rocking the Classroom: Collaborative Local Preservation Initiatives - Track 3 - In this panel session, participants will discuss the multidisciplinary nature of historic preservation coursework and learn about practical, application-based learning experiences through West Virginia University's Public History program. Panelists will be Jenny Boulware, Mike Gioulis, Jeanne Grimm, and Kyle Rothemich.
- Connecting with Historic Beverly Tour - Track 1 - Walking tour led by Phyllis Baxter and Hunter Lesser. Explore the stories, buildings, and people of Beverly’s history, with a few glimpses inside select buildings. Beverly was originally established as the county seat, occupied during the Civil War, active as a crossroads of commerce through the 19th century. Growth slowed by 1900, when the county seat moved to Elkins, allowing many of the older historic buildings to survive. This relatively intact historic district features vernacular architecture from 1780s through 1950s, rich with the significance of the county’s growth.
- Preserving Historic Beverly Tour - Track 2- Walking tour Led by Darryl DeGripp and Mike Gioulis. See first hand examples of preservation at work. The small community of Beverly, with determination and commitment but limited resources, has preserved or is working on a number of significant historic buildings. Buildings visited on the tour will include the 1780s log Collett house, the 1840s masonry county Jail, the Logan house damaged by fire, and the restored Lemuel Chenoweth house. Explore some of these buildings and hear the story of each building with its preservation story, challenges, successes and vision for the future.
- Historic (Dilapidated!?) Brownfields: Strategies and Tools To Address Them -Track 3 - This session will discuss how to approach the overlap between historic properties and brownfield sites. Discussion will include what is a brownfield, what does a community need to know when handling a brownfield, how to approach revitalizing and restoring a historic brownfield, and what tools/resources are available to do this work. The session will focus on the tools, resources, and models available to WV communities trying to tackle historic brownfields. Topics will include addressing hazardous materials, building collaborative teams for successful projects, step-by-step guides to navigate a brownfield, and how to know which resources fit which barriers. Participants will engage directly with presenters as well as with each other in small group exercises to demonstrate how to approach a historic brownfield. Participants will leave the session with new insight on addressing historic brownfield properties as well as the tools, resources, and network to tackle these challenging projects.
8th Annual Historic Preservation Awards at Halliehurst Mansion with Keynote Speaker Daniel Carey - Enjoy dinner, refreshments, and an awards presentation. Daniel Carey, President and CEO of the Historic Savannah Foundation, will give a keynote speech entitled "Secrets of Preserving a Historic Building" in which he will touch upon the value of heritage tourism, the competitiveness of historic buildings in terms of energy efficiency, and collaborations Historic Savannah Foundation enjoys with non-traditional partners in Savannah.
Saturday, September 24, 2016
8:30 am - 9:45 am
- Building Heritage Trails - Track 1 - Panel discussion sharing a variety of approaches to developing and connecting heritage sites for heritage tourism trails or itineraries. Challenges include both preservation of the sites, and preparing them for tourists. How can we provide support for low-capacity sites, engage stakeholders and keep them involved, and build the connections between sites to prepare them for sharing with our visitors? Trail projects discussed will include WV Historic Theatre Trail, WV Civil War Trail, Paint Creek Trail.
- Taking Care of Porches - Track 2 - Craig Bennett, practicing engineer based in South Carolina, explains how porches are built, what the problem areas are, how to strengthen them, how to repair them, and, finally, offers recommendations on making porches last with minimal deterioration. The focus of the talk is on 19th and early 20th century porches, drawing heavily on experience in repair, strengthening and reconstruction of a large number of historic porches in South Carolina, Georgia and Alabama.
- Homesteading: Could this be the creative solution to West Virginia’s blight crisis? -Track 3 - Nicole Marrocco will discuss community homesteading as a creative solution to revitalize communities by encouraging community-minded individuals and families to purchase, rehabilitate, and reside in dilapidated homes before they reach a point where demolition is necessary. In this session, learn about the benefits of homesteading, existing programs, and the first steps to implementing a homesteading program in your community.
- Connecting Heritage Sites with Technology - Track 1 - What are some of the new ways to connect heritage sites and share those linkages with visitors? The panel discussion will share some examples of new applications. Projects featured will include WVU Extension Heritage Tourism assets database with Doug Arbogast and Peter Butler; the Clio app with David Trowbridge; and Appalachian Forest Heritage Area StoryMaps project with Jessica Brewer.
- How to Use Traditional Daubing for Log Structures Today - Track 2 -Demonstration & discussion led by Joshua Adamo, Old Willow Workshop, The deep Appalachian building history of constructing with logs spans hundreds of years. I will give a brief summery of those building roots and why they came to be. Fast forwarding to today’s building movement of log structures and the need to preserve American log buildings has given rise to new products and techniques. The information, recipes and applications can run the spectrum. Unfortunately, most common products used for daubing are irreversible and in most cases lead to the rapid deterioration of the logs. I will discuss ingredients for traditional daubing mixtures used and still available that are time tested and true. The discussion leads to the versatility of lime based mortars and finishes. I will cover its scientific, molecular foundation, how lime is made and what have been its uses. The time line and regional uses of certain species of wood will also be discussed. The demonstration will utilize a small log façade mock up to show how to mix and apply traditional lime based mortars with either traditional chinking methods or modern lathe material. This can be a hands - on workshop. Information of traditional products used and their availability will also be included. I believe that preserving the past by understanding the reason for certain building techniques and products will lead to proper conservation and respect for our building heritage.
- County-wide Cemetery Survey in Hampshire County - Track 3 - The Hampshire County Historic Landmark Commission received a federal Survey & Planning grant through the State Historic Preservation Office to address the potential of burial site disturbance due to increased development pressure and no comprehensive mapping system of the sites.
The presenters (Jeff Smith, West Virginia State Historic Preservation Office; Charlie Baker, Hampshire County Commission, Hampshire County Historic Landmarks Commission; and Jamie Vosvick, Archeological Consultants of the Midwest) will discuss the process of documenting sites and how they worked with the public to gather input on the location of burial sites. It has been discovered that there are many burial sites that have already been lost. This project has been a worthwhile endeavor to help prevent further losses and document the location of each site into a Geographic Information System (GIS) to allow the Planning Office fingertip access for processing building and development permits.
The project is worthwhile for communities across the United States. Through loss of family property and oral history it is imperative that these sites be documented so that proper preservation can occur.
- Connecting People, Places and Communities through Cultural Heritage Tourism: Recent Successes in Southwest and Southern Virginia – Track 1 - This panel presentation will be broken up into three sections: (1) Todd Christensen (Southwest Virginia Cultural Foundation) will speak on “Creating a Place Based Region.” The presentation highlights efforts for using a region’s natural and cultural assets in the creation of a future creative economy and enhancement of quality of life for the region’s people and communities. (2) Sonja Ingram (Preservation Virginia) will discuss Virginia’s Tobacco Barns Program and its various historic preservation components and will focus on how the state engaged and benefited from the program. She will also discuss how funding was obtained and provide guidance how to start a similar program in other areas. (3) David Rotenizer (Franklin County Division of Tourism & Film) will present “Celebrating and Trail Making in the Blue Ridge: The Heritage Tourism of Moonshine, Music, Myths and Mountain Magic.” He will discuss recent historic preservation approaches connecting the community of people and places through festivals, driving trails, and historic site interpretation.
- Why Cemeteries Matter: Mapping Cultural Resources in the Digital Age - Track 2 - Led by West Virginia native, Lisa Orr, this session provides an overview of past, present and future research regarding the documentation and location mapping of the state’s numerous cemeteries. First, the presentation will investigate the current status of maps that include cemeteries in West Virginia, and will demonstrate that the state is underrepresented in national resources. Second, the presentation will discuss strategies for improving cemetery map resources for the public. This work combines traditional research techniques, new technologies, and collaboration with local organizations. With accurate, updated locations and documentation of cemeteries, attracting tourists interested in cemeteries to West Virginia’s communities will become truly viable.
- Building Connections for Strong Communities - Track 3 - Overview of relevant WV State Historic Preservation Office programs - such as the Certified Local Government (CLG) program, Historic Landmark Commissions (HLCs), etc. Staff will discuss several case studies in which a collaborative effort was made in the project.
Conference Hotel InformationThe conference's designated hotel is the Iron Road Inn, a locally-owned, railroad-themed property in Elkins. The conference's special-rate room block filled by the hotel's August 8th deadline. However, rooms are still available during the conference dates. Please visithttp://ironroadinn.com/ or call 304-637-1888 for reservations at the hotel's regular rate.
As an alternative, PAWV recommends the Hampton Inn in Elkins. Please visit http://hamptoninn3.hilton.com/en/hotels/west-virginia/hampton-inn-elkins-EKNWVHX/index.html or call 304-630-7500 for reservations.
Thank you to Sponsors and Partners!
This conference is being financed in part with Federal funds from the National Park Service, Department of the Interior. Regulations of the U.S. Department of the Interior strictly prohibit unlawful discrimination in departmental Federally Assisted Programs on the basis of race, color, national origin, age or handicap. Any person who believes he or she has been discriminated against in any program, activity, or facility operated by a recipient of Federal assistance should write to:
Chief, Office of Equal Opportunity Programs
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
1201 Eye Street, NW (2740)
Washington, DC 20005
Conference Sponsors and Partners
Featured Conference Exhibitors
Basement Systems of West Virginia
Basement Systems of West Virginia specializes in wet basement and crawl space waterproofing, sump pump installation, radon testing and mitigation, and foundation repair. They have been serving residential and commercial customers throughout the Greater Charleston region since 2003. They are an A+ Better Business Bureau-accredited contractor, installing patented, industry-leading products from Basement Systems, CleanSpace® and Foundation Supportworks.
Ricki worked at her father's construction company during a summer in high school and got hooked. After pursuing her engineering degree from Fairmont State, she worked as a project manager at her father's business before creating her own construction management firm. One of her first projects involved remodeling a wet basement. After researching the best solution, she became an authorized dealer for Basement Systems products.
She co-owns Basement Systems of West Virginia with her husband, Pat. Together they have guided the new business through steady growth. The company now has over 35 employees and multiple crews.
Beverly Heritage Center / Beverly, West Virginia
The Beverly Heritage Center combines four adjoining buildings in the heart of Beverly into one great heritage attraction. Included are the: 1900 Beverly Bank building, 1808 Randolph County Court House, 1912 Hill Building, and the 1856 Bushrod Crawford/McClellan’s Headquarters building.
The Center has museum exhibits, visitor information, public restrooms, gift shop, and research archives.
Mills Group
The Mills Group is a team of creative professionals who work to improve our community through timeless, inspired design. Architects, designers, planners, and historians all work together to create a sense of place for each project. Mills Group is committed to sustainable practices and fosters community engagement in many of its designs. Michael Mills founded Mills Group in 2005 and since that time has maintained a clear focus on the design of new structures which encompass the rich architectural character of the past. Mills Group is diligent in understanding their client’s spatial needs, design goals, and budget. The firm is committed to a quality end product derived from experience, creativity, and collaboration.
West Virginia Brownfields Assistance Center
The Northern West Virginia Brownfields Assistance Center was created in 2005 by the West Virginia Legislature to empower communities to plan and implement brownfields redevelopment projects. One of two Centers, it promotes economic development and environmental and public health protection through innovative redevelopment of brownfield sites. The Center also promotes and coordinates the development of brownfield property by providing training and technical assistance, facilitating site preparation efforts, engaging community involvement, as well as by helping communities with grant writing and leveraging project funding.
Old Willow Workshop
Specializing in custom, designed and fabricated woodworking and historic restoration from furniture to residential and commercial buildings.
Preservation Products, Inc.
Cape May, New Jersey, a seaside town rich in history, provided the beginning for Preservation Products, Inc. It was there that the company first saw the need for weatherproofing systems for the town's landmark historic structures. Working with Acrymax Technologies Inc., Preservation Products, Inc. has engineered systems specifically for historic preservation and restoration that provide durable protection while maintaining a building's historic character.
Their customers range from individual homeowners to preservation societies to the National Park Service, and Preservation Products is intimately involved with the historic preservation community. They have a long-standing commitment to adhere to the guidelines set by the US Secretary of the Interior for restoring and preserving historic buildings. Their reputation for service is built on working with our customers to make each application a successful one.
Randolph County Convention & Visitors Bureau
As the official Visitor Center for Randolph County, they are the portal for information on attractions, lodging and dining in our area. Here’s what the Randolph County Convention & Visitors Bureau offers:
West Virginia Division of Culture & History
The West Virginia Division of Culture & History’s main offices are in the Culture Center at the State Capitol in Charleston. The building is home to the State Museum and Theater, the State Archives and Collections, and a library for genealogical research. The Division includes the West Virginia Commission on the Arts and the State Historic Preservation Office. At the Culture Center, the Division programs a full year of events and exhibits. The Division also administers four historical sites, with their own program schedules, in other areas of the state.
Basement Systems of West Virginia specializes in wet basement and crawl space waterproofing, sump pump installation, radon testing and mitigation, and foundation repair. They have been serving residential and commercial customers throughout the Greater Charleston region since 2003. They are an A+ Better Business Bureau-accredited contractor, installing patented, industry-leading products from Basement Systems, CleanSpace® and Foundation Supportworks.
Ricki worked at her father's construction company during a summer in high school and got hooked. After pursuing her engineering degree from Fairmont State, she worked as a project manager at her father's business before creating her own construction management firm. One of her first projects involved remodeling a wet basement. After researching the best solution, she became an authorized dealer for Basement Systems products.
She co-owns Basement Systems of West Virginia with her husband, Pat. Together they have guided the new business through steady growth. The company now has over 35 employees and multiple crews.
Beverly Heritage Center / Beverly, West Virginia
The Beverly Heritage Center combines four adjoining buildings in the heart of Beverly into one great heritage attraction. Included are the: 1900 Beverly Bank building, 1808 Randolph County Court House, 1912 Hill Building, and the 1856 Bushrod Crawford/McClellan’s Headquarters building.
The Center has museum exhibits, visitor information, public restrooms, gift shop, and research archives.
Mills Group
The Mills Group is a team of creative professionals who work to improve our community through timeless, inspired design. Architects, designers, planners, and historians all work together to create a sense of place for each project. Mills Group is committed to sustainable practices and fosters community engagement in many of its designs. Michael Mills founded Mills Group in 2005 and since that time has maintained a clear focus on the design of new structures which encompass the rich architectural character of the past. Mills Group is diligent in understanding their client’s spatial needs, design goals, and budget. The firm is committed to a quality end product derived from experience, creativity, and collaboration.
West Virginia Brownfields Assistance Center
The Northern West Virginia Brownfields Assistance Center was created in 2005 by the West Virginia Legislature to empower communities to plan and implement brownfields redevelopment projects. One of two Centers, it promotes economic development and environmental and public health protection through innovative redevelopment of brownfield sites. The Center also promotes and coordinates the development of brownfield property by providing training and technical assistance, facilitating site preparation efforts, engaging community involvement, as well as by helping communities with grant writing and leveraging project funding.
Old Willow Workshop
Specializing in custom, designed and fabricated woodworking and historic restoration from furniture to residential and commercial buildings.
Preservation Products, Inc.
Cape May, New Jersey, a seaside town rich in history, provided the beginning for Preservation Products, Inc. It was there that the company first saw the need for weatherproofing systems for the town's landmark historic structures. Working with Acrymax Technologies Inc., Preservation Products, Inc. has engineered systems specifically for historic preservation and restoration that provide durable protection while maintaining a building's historic character.
Their customers range from individual homeowners to preservation societies to the National Park Service, and Preservation Products is intimately involved with the historic preservation community. They have a long-standing commitment to adhere to the guidelines set by the US Secretary of the Interior for restoring and preserving historic buildings. Their reputation for service is built on working with our customers to make each application a successful one.
Randolph County Convention & Visitors Bureau
As the official Visitor Center for Randolph County, they are the portal for information on attractions, lodging and dining in our area. Here’s what the Randolph County Convention & Visitors Bureau offers:
- Brochures, maps and literature on destinations in Randolph County and the region
- Official West Virginia and Randolph County Travel Guides
- Vacation and Tour Packages
- Meeting and Conference Services
- Outdoor Adventures
- Events and Festivals
- Assist with Lodging Reservations
West Virginia Division of Culture & History
The West Virginia Division of Culture & History’s main offices are in the Culture Center at the State Capitol in Charleston. The building is home to the State Museum and Theater, the State Archives and Collections, and a library for genealogical research. The Division includes the West Virginia Commission on the Arts and the State Historic Preservation Office. At the Culture Center, the Division programs a full year of events and exhibits. The Division also administers four historical sites, with their own program schedules, in other areas of the state.
2016 Conference Presenter Biographies
Jared is the Supporting Land Use Attorney at the LUSD Law Clinic. He was born in Wheeling, WV and was raised in Leesburg, VA. He holds degrees from The Catholic University of America – Columbus School of Law, the University of Hawaii, Manoa (Masters) and West Virginia University (undergraduate). Jared is an AICP-certified planner and his background includes work as a local government planner and as a planning consultant.
Doug is Rural Tourism Specialist at West Virginia University in the Community, Economic & Workforce Development (CEWD) unit of Extension Service. He is responsible for developing and delivering rural tourism development services and in doing so works collaboratively with the team of Extension professionals to promote sustainable development of tourism businesses in West Virginia. Duties entail development of proactive applied research, teaching, and service programs in tourism development including significance of rural tourism, planning and managing rural tourism, rural tourism business opportunities, marketing, and economics of tourism.
Charlie is currently employed by Hampshire County as their Building Code Official, Floodplain Administrator, Planning Compliance Officer, and Historic Landmarks Director. He also serves as Floodplain Administrator for Tucker County, and the Towns of Bayard, Capon Bridge and Hendricks. Charlie is the Chair of the West Virginia Floodplain Management Association and was also 2014 West Virginia Floodplain Manager of the year, and is a Certified Floodplain Manager with the Association of State Floodplain Managers. Along with government work and farming he also has a firearms business which has sales, and is certified as a NRA Basic Pistol, Advanced Pistol in the Home, and Refuse to be a Victim Instructor as well as a Range Safety Officer. He attended West Virginia University and graduated in 1996 with a degree in Recreation and Parks Administration.
Martha has been involved in trails for many years; initially as Program Administrator and Director for WV Scenic Trails Association, then as Grant Administrator for the Historic Theatre and New Deal/CCC Trails with Preservation Alliance of WV. Ballman is still active with heritage tourism development projects. She is currently developing an entity to "showcase" traditional artists for visitors and travelers through collaboration with bus tours, conferences and event planners. She is active as a board member for Preservation Alliance of WV, FOOTMAD (Friends Of Old Time Music And Dance) and Kanawha Historic and Preservation Society and serves on the Steering Committee for the Advocates for a Safe Water System. Ballman resides in South Charleston, "Someplace Special"!
Craig is a practicing structural engineer, working exclusively in historic preservation. He holds undergraduate degrees in civil engineering and architecture, a graduate degree in structural engineering, all from Georgia Tech, and now lectures in the Clemson / College of Charleston joint program in historic preservation. For the past 26 years, Bennett has led the evaluation and repair of a number of historic structures, covering most areas between New Orleans and Washington DC. Bennett is president of Bennett Preservation Engineering PC in Charleston, SC and considers it a privilege to work on some of our nation’s most cherished structures
Prior to joining WVU in 2008, Jenny served as the Executive Director of Main Street Laurens, a nonprofit 501(c) 3 economic development organization in Upstate South Carolina. Under her direction, Laurens received over half a million dollars in grants and programming. Jenny also served as a Design Services Consultant with South Carolina Downtown Development Association in Columbia, South Carolina where she developed computer-generated renderings of historic building facades while assisting in design-related issues (signage, streetscape/green space development, and master planning) across the state. Jenny designs and teaches classes in Public History and Cultural Resource Management. Her areas of strength include historic preservation, community revitalization and partnerships.
Jessica specializes in GIS (Geographic Information Systems) at Region VII Planning and Development Council. Jessica received her Bachelor of Science degree in Architectural Engineering Technology in 1999 from Fairmont State University. In 2007, she completed her Master’s Degree in History, as well as a graduate certificate in Cultural Resource Management, from West Virginia University. Jessica is currently a PhD candidate in GIS and Historical Geography at West Virginia University. While Jessica’s responsibilities center on managing and maintaining GIS data and mapping services for relevant projects at Region VII, she also has a background in engineering, design, construction management, historic preservation, grant writing and heritage tourism. Jessica has not only enabled Region VII to start providing GIS and mapping services, but her background allows for an approach to project development that is wide-ranging and diverse.
Peter is the Associate Professor of Landscape Architecture, School of Design and Community Development, West Virginia University. MLA (2001, Landscape Architecture, Iowa State University), BLA (2000, Landscape Architecture, Iowa State University, BA (1992, English-Creative Writing with French minor, University of Wisconsin-Madison). Peter joined the WVU faculty in 2008. His research interests include cultural landscape research and planning; community design process; industrial landscape reclamation and interpretation; and design studio pedagogy. His research projects include cultural landscape inventory, analysis and treatment; visualization; brownfields reclamation; land use planning; historic transportation corridor planning; and participatory design methods.
Daniel was hired as President and CEO of Historic Savannah Foundation in December of 2008. He came to Savannah after serving nearly 18 years in various field positions at the National Trust for Historic Preservation from Charleston, South Carolina to Fort Worth, Texas.
Born and raised in Louisville, Kentucky, Daniel worked in state and local government in Kentucky before joining the National Trust. He holds a bachelor’s degree in American Studies from the University of Notre Dame and a master’s degree in Historic Preservation from Western Kentucky University. He also earned a certificate in law and public policy from the University of Texas at Arlington.
Daniel leads a strong organization in Historic Savannah Foundation with a seasoned staff of 8, a board of 25, a membership of over 700, and an annual budget of $1.2 million. HSF is proud of its outstanding museum—the Davenport House, its nationally recognized Revolving Fund, and its strong educational and advocacy programs.
For more than 60 years, HSF has been a recognized leader in the preservation movement and Daniel is working to take it to the next level.
Ashley is the Code Official for the City of Summersville. He has previously worked for the City of Charleston and Greenbrier County in code enforcement for nearly 14 years. Mr. Carr is also a licensed West Virginia contractor, Building Construction Supervisor, and Housing Quality Standards Inspector. He enjoys spending time outdoors with his family.
Todd was formerly the Deputy Director for the Virginia’s Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD); here, he oversaw all federal and state-funded community development programs, including CDBG, ARC, Main Street, HOME housing rehabilitation and Enterprise Zones.
In 2003, Governor Mark Warner awarded Todd the Governors Agency Star, annually awarded to one state employee who exemplifies commitment to the agency mission and customer service.
In 2010, he was appointed as the first Executive Director of the Southwest Virginia Cultural Heritage Foundation and Friends of Southwest Virginia. The Foundation is tasked to facilitate the future development of a creative economy in the 19 county region of Southwest Virginia. Part of his responsibility was to oversee the development and construction of Heartwood, Southwest Virginia’s Artisan Gateway, a 29,000 SF showplace of the region’s crafts, music, food and culture.
Todd works daily on the mission of using the regions natural assets in order to create a better quality of life for people and committees throughout of the region. Todd has been involved with the revitalization of more than 40 downtowns in Virginia and now works extensively with the communities of Southwest Virginia to help them transform their downtowns into cultural centers and to restructure their economies through entrepreneurial development and a focus on their quality of life. He has assisted in the transformation of Southwest Virginia downtowns including Floyd, Galax, Marion, Rocky Mount, Damascus, Dungannon, Haysi, Clintwood, St. Paul, Cleveland, and the City of Norton.
He played a founding role in the development of The Crooked Road: Virginia’s Heritage Music Trail, and was an integral part in the founding and development of ‘Round the Mountain: Southwest Virginia’s Artisan Network. He is currently involved in the development of a similar initiative for outdoor recreation in Southwest Virginia, entitled Appalachia Spring. The Foundation has recently completed a yearlong effort to brand Southwest Virginia as a distinct region and national destination.
Katherine is the Director of the Land Use and Sustainable Development (LUSD) Law Clinic. She is a native of Kansas City, MO and attended the University of Missouri in Kansas City and Vermont Law School. Katherine began her career in federal and local government with a specialization in environmental issues. She then continued her focus on local protection of natural resources as an Assistant Professor of Law and Staff Attorney at the Land Use Clinic at Vermont Law School.
Mike started his own consulting practice in 1984 and works on a wide range of historic preservation projects for many types of clients. He is fully versant in interpreting standards for the rehabilitation of existing and historic buildings, and meets the Secretary of the Interior's professional qualifications for Architectural Historian as outlined in 36 CRF 61 through the West Virginia Division of Culture and History, State Historic Preservation Office. This certification assures that the Gioulis firm is qualified and has a background in the performance of historic preservation in accordance with specified standards. Mike's expertise includes rehabilitation projects, master plans, building analyses, design guidelines, tax credit applications, Section 106 proceedings, National Register nominations, historic surveys, and grant applications and management. He has been the Design Consultant to the Main Street West Virginia Program since 1988. His Main Street services relating to design assistance programs for downtown structures have resulted in over 1,000 individual design projects, as well as numerous workshops, committee trainings, resource team visits and technical assistance responses. Multiple entities and individuals consult with Mike for his professional expertise in all phases of historic rehabilitation.
Jeanne’s responsibilities on the Morgantown Historic Landmark Commission include grant writing/management, and collaborating with faculty and students in the WVU Public History Program. She is an NPS 36 CFR 61 historian and her company, GranJean Research and Consulting, has served as a historic preservation consultant in West Virginia and Maryland. Grimm and her staff developed HPIs for downtown Shinnston, WV, and Surrey School, Moller Apartments and Washington Cemetery in Hagerstown, MD. They wrote National Register nominations for Downtown Shinnston, East Wheeling, The Ridge and Old Town Districts, the Graham Building and the Marshall House in New Cumberland, the Greenmont Neighborhood, Morgantown and the Water Street District, Oakland, MD. Grimm and her team facilitated two public planning forums for historic resources in Elkins, WV and performed an intensive historic survey and recording of the Morgan Shirt Factory in Morgantown before it was razed. Grimm wrote three articles for the West Virginia Encyclopedia, six articles for the History of Wetzel County and co-authored Generation of Growth: a Contemporary View of the West Virginia University School of Medicine.
Sonja graduated from Longwood in 1991 with a B.S. in Anthropology. The summer before graduation, she worked as a survey archaeologist in the Sierra Nevadas of northern California. After graduation, she began working for a cultural resource management firm on a village on the Delaware River in Pennsylvania and continued to work in the CRM field for ten years in the Mid-Atlantic, the South and Puerto Rico where she was able to participate on many significant archaeological sites including Sandt’s Eddy, Nina Plantation, Playa Chiva, 46HY89 and in the mogote caves of Puerto Rico.
Between 2000 and 2006, Sonja worked as a Land Preservation Planner for Loudoun County, Virginia and Frederick County, Maryland while studying geography at George Mason University. She also did a short stint as the Associate Director for the Eastern Office of the Archaeological Conservancy.
While completing her Masters in Historic Preservation from the University of Maryland, Sonja worked as a Historic Preservation Planner for Frederick City and served on the local Historic Preservation Commission. In 2008, Sonja began the position of Field Representative for Preservation Virginia- Virginia’s statewide historic preservation organization. In this position, she assists individuals and organizations by providing educational and technical assistance and advocating for the protection of Virginia’s irreplaceable historic sites. Two recent Preservation Virginia projects she has been involved with include the Tobacco Barns Program and the Rosenwald Schools Program.
Michael Kline and Carrie Kline are folklorists and oral historians who have devoted much of our joint career to the preservation of local voices and memory in the service of cultural heritage tourism. Our most notable of many "spoken history" projects is a seven-part series of full-length CDs exploring memory and connection along the Staunton-Parkersburg Turnpike, from its prehistoric beginnings as Indian trails across the Allegheny Mountains, through the American Civil War and Reconstruction, the coming of automobiles, the Great Depression and Roosevelt Era, as well as the industrial revolution and the opening of the oil and natural gas fields. The series, commissioned by the Rich Mountain Battlefield Foundation and the Staunton-Parkersburg Turnpike Alliance, involves 100 recorded voices of local residents and historians, more than fifty local musicians, and a backdrop of sounds recorded on sight along the 200-mile turnpike connecting the Valley of Virginia with the Ohio River. With the completion of the road in 1847 just four years before the opening of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, the scene was set for the onset of the Civil War, just thirteen years later. The series, "Voices Along the Staunton-Parkersburg Turnpike," was years in the making, and casts light on the history and development of the Allegheny Region and points West
Michael and Carrie Nobel Kline operate Talking Across the Lines: Worldwide Conversations, LLC, a folklife documentary consulting and production firm. They seek to give voice to a wide range of views on historical and current events, documenting people of diverse ethnic and economic backgrounds through broadcast quality audio recordings and still photography. The Klines record stirring oral testimonials with folk artists and share intimate stories and musical performances through engaging CDs and books which carry listeners into private and sacred spaces. Conducting broad-based community oral history and folklife projects, the Klines weave quilts of truths gathered from varied sources.
The Klines weave West Virginia stories and folklore with spine tingling harmonies on voice and guitar. They live and breathe Appalachian music and culture. Their voices carry the songs with truth and authenticity. The Klines present their music both as entertainment and social history, with engaging ease and hard-hitting passion. They have spent years recording music and spoken narratives from Cherokee, North Carolina throughout the southern coalfields and mountainside farms of Kentucky and West Virginia into Pennsylvania's anthracite country. They have documented southern mountain experience and music in industrial cities from Cincinnati to New England.
The Klines' high mountain harmonies meld with their intertwining bass lines on two guitars, with Michael's melodic flat-picking and Carrie's rhythmic backup. They have performed in Italy, Germany, and across the United States in living rooms, and concert halls, prisons to picket lines from Maine to Ohio, New York City and Washington, D.C., Wisconsin and California. To hear them and be encouraged to join in on a chorus is to be transported to a country church, a primeval forest, a coal miner's picket line, or grandma's kitchen. From songs such as Walk with Granny One More Time, to The Coal Tattoo, all of them wrapped in a patchwork quilt of vivid images, the Klines evoke emotions that touch the soul. Kitchen songs. When they sing, you can smell the biscuits baking. The Klines' CDs featuring regional history, music and folklife are generally on hand, including five of their own music and duet singing, Eyes of a Painter, Patchwork, Damp as the Dew, Working Shoes and Wild Hog in the Woods.
Hunter, a native West Virginian, is a consulting archaeologist and historical interpreter. His career has been wide ranging, and his writings on America’s past span topics from ancient Native Americans to Kentucky moonshine stills. A lifelong student of the Civil War, he is the author of Rebels at the Gate: Lee and McClellan on the Front Line of a Nation Divided, a History Book Club main selection. He guides visitors from around the world on tours of the Civil War drama that forged West Virginia.
Nicole is an AmeriCorps VISTA with the WV Community Development Hub where she coordinates the Abandoned Property Coalition, a network of individuals, organizations, and communities that work together to develop statewide solutions to abandoned and dilapidated property. Driven by a personal interest in the revitalization of America’s once-thriving industrial centers, Nicole came to West Virginia in 2014 to serve as an AmeriCorps with the Preservation Alliance of West Virginia.
Tom is Vice President and Senior Counsel for the National Trust for Historic Preservation, and has specialized in both corporate and preservation law since he joined the National Trust in 1986. He is the author of many articles relating to, and has lectured widely on, preservation easements, shipwreck protection, historic house museums, the Americans with Disabilities Act, preservation public policy, and the importance of old places. For many years, he taught historic preservation law at the University of Maryland Graduate Program in Historic Preservation. A recipient of the National Endowment for the Arts Rome Prize in Historic Preservation in 2013, Mr. Mayes authored a recent series of essays titled Why Old Places Matter. Mr. Mayes received his B.A. with honors in History in 1981 and his J.D. in 1985 from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and an M.A. in writing from Johns Hopkins University.
Catherine is a writer and independent producer based in Fayette County, West Virginia, whose work has been published by theOxford American, VICE, Yes!, the Virginia Quarterly Review, various public radio stations across the U.S., and on the BBC. She is secretary of the West Virginia Mine Wars Museum and co-founder of the Paint Creek Audio History Project. More info at beautymountainstudio.com.
John is Professor of Civil Engineering and Architecture at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he directs a research program in historic masonry structures. He is the author of more than 30 technical papers on the mechanics of traditional structures, and a monograph titled Guastavino Vaulting: The Art of Structural Tile (Princeton Architectural Press, 2010). He has won numerous awards for his research on historic structures, including a Fulbright scholarship to Spain (1999), the Edoardo Benvenuto Prize from Italy (2002), the Rome Prize in Historic Preservation (2007), and a MacArthur Fellowship (2008). Ochsendorf earned a B.Sc. in structural engineering and archaeology from Cornell University, an M.Sc. in civil engineering from Princeton University, and a Ph.D. in structural engineering from Cambridge University in England. He is a partner in the engineering firm Ochsendorf DeJong and Block (www.odb-engineering.com) Ochsendorf is a native of Elkins and he was recently featured in the West Virginia Public Broadcasting series "Inspiring West Virginians." http://wvpublic.org/post/john-ochsendorf-accidental-professor
David is a native of southwest Virginia, where his family has resided in the region of the New River Valley and Blue Ridge Plateau going back to the late 18th century. He has coursework in Appalachian Studies and anthropology at the University of Kentucky, with a degree in Appalachian Heritage Resources from Radford University. Rotenizer is currently the tourism development manager of the Division of Tourism & Film with the Franklin County Office of Economic Development (VA).
He has served environmental and tourism capacities with several agencies, including: director of Environmental Conservation, Montgomery County (VA); director of Tourism, Carroll County (VA); and director of Tourism, Martinsville-Henry County (VA).
Rotenizer served as an AmeriCorps*VISTA participant assigned to the Carroll County Office of Economic and Education Development, where he targeted community capacity building through tourism and historic preservation. In 2014-2015, he served as a site supervisor for an AmeriCorps position through Preserve WV AmeriCorps in partnership with the Preservation Alliance of West Virginia.
David has a background in oral history, including “Oral History of the Prater Farmstead at the Head of Rough and Tough Creek in Floyd County, Kentucky” and “Oral History of the Butcher/Coulter Farmstead on Shanty Branch of Powell’s Mountain in Nicholas County, West Virginia.” Through the University of Kentucky, Department of Anthropology and the Center for Developmental Change in partnership he conducted oral history/ethnographic research in a rural farming community in Powell County, Kentucky, which also included cultural landscape studies and related research.
He has been involved with national register nomination projects including: the Martinsville Speedway, Otter Creek Site - A Late Woodland Hamlet along the Blue Ridge escarpment; Carter Hydraulic Water Ram System; Childress Rock Churches Thematic Rural Historic; multiple-resource nominations in Montgomery County; and the Hillsville Downtown Historic District. Rotenizer has been involved with several downtown revitalization efforts, most notably the Hillsville Downtown Revitalization Project.
In 2003, the Preservation Alliance of Virginia [now Preservation Virginia] recognized Rotenizer with the statewide Historic Preservation Award with presentation by now vice presidential candidate Tim Kaine. David is a member of Lambda Alpha (national anthropological society). The Virginia Research Center for Archaeology [now Virginia Department of Historic Resources] recognized him three consecutive years for volunteer contributions to Virginia archaeology. He has been recognized for contributions to the Martinsville, VA Main Street Program.
From 2013-2015, Rotenizer served as extension agent in community with West Virginia State University where he was assigned to Raleigh County in partnership with the New River Gorge Regional Development Authority. As an agent, his areas of specialization were historic preservation and tourism development. Rotenizer collaborated with the Preservation Alliance of West Virginia and the National Coal Heritage Area. Rotenizer coordinated Bridges to the Past: Historic Preservation Initiative that covered four southern West Virginia counties. He also coordinated the Helen preservation project which focused on the preservation of that property. He served on the Raleigh County Historic Landmarks Commission. He is a former member of the PAWV board of directors.
David has extensive background in festivals and cultural heritage trail development including - the Crooked Road: Virginia’s Heritage Music Trail; the Wilderness Road: Virginia’s Heritage Migration Trail, the Franklin County Moonshine Fest; the Bedford-Franklin Heritage Trail; the Barn Quilt Trail of Franklin County; the Carroll County and Franklin County Agricultural Fairs; and Fiddlin’ on the Lot.
Rotenizer has a strong background in archaeology. He has undertaken fieldwork throughout nine states the Mid-Atlantic and Ohio Valley regions on a variety of site types and levels of investigations. Employers include a number of private sector, government and universities. Rotenizer served on the staff of the Program for Cultural Resource Assessment at the University of Kentucky. He was the site manager of the West Virginia Division of Culture & History’s Grave Creek Mound Archaeological Complex from 2009-2013.
Kyle is currently completing his M.A. in Public History and certification in Cultural Resource Management at West Virginia University. Kyle actively works with the Morgantown Historic Landmarks Commission in aiding with writing grant proposals, completing survey work, and completing National Register Nominations. When not in Morgantown, Kyle works for the National Park Service as a historian at Cedar Creek and Belle Grove National Historical Park in Middletown, Virginia. Kyle aids in planning, conducts interpretative programs, documents historic features within the park, and assists in landscape preservation initiatives. Kyle also served on the Historic Preservation Commission in Stephens City, Virginia during the 2015 fiscal year. Upon graduation in 2017, Kyle hopes to work full time with the National Park Service or another landscape preservation organization.
Kelli became interested in historic preservation and the wider field of public history while growing up in a Route 66 community in California. In 2014, she completed a Graduate Certificate in Public History at Texas State University. She had previously received an MA in Museum Studies and a PhD in American Civilization, both from Brown University. Her doctoral dissertation was titled, “Saving Suburban Sites and Rescuing Roadside Relics: The Historic Preservation of the Recent Past through Adaptive Reuse.” Over the years, Kelli has served as a volunteer, intern, student employee, or staff member at multiple public history institutions (from a town heritage society and a regional museum to a metropolitan preservation organization, an archive, and an academic center devoted to public history).
In August 2015, Kelli became the 2015-2016 Preserve WV AmeriCorps member at the Preservation Alliance of West Virginia. Kelli is thankful for the opportunity to help preserve and revitalize the Mountain State's historic built environment and to promote its significant cultural heritage. Some of Kelli's projects for the year include expanding the WV Historic Theatre Trail, working with the Endangered Properties Program, and assisting in planning the 2016 statewide preservation conference.
Lynn is the Statewide Field Services Representative for the Preservation Alliance of WV. Lynn attended West Virginia University and is both a Summa Cum Laude graduate and Ronald E. McNair Post Baccalaureate Scholar. Stasick holds a Masters degree in Public History and a certificate in Cultural Resource Management. In addition, Stasick has also gathered credits toward a PhD in Appalachian economic and social history and has worked for the Preservation Alliance of West Virginia since 2009.
David (Ph.D. Kansas, 2008) is an associate professor in the Department of History and director of African and African American Studies at Marshall University. Dr. Trowbridge has authored several articles on African American history in leading academic journals and is completing a book on the experiences of African Americans in the Great Plains. A leading advocate of the potential of free and low-cost educational materials, Dr. Trowbridge is the author of A History of the United States a collegiate textbook published under a Creative Commons license. He is also the creator of Clio, a free website and mobile application that connects thousands of people to information about nearby historical and cultural sites.
Jamie is currently the Supervising Archaeologist of the Wheeling office of Archaeological Consultants of the Midwest, Inc. He studied history and archaeology at Marshall University and has over 28 years of experience in the Cultural Resource Management field in 14 states.
His areas of expertise include Archaeological Phase I, II, and III investigations, cemetery recordation and documentation, lithic and ceramic analysis, field methods, historical research, and report preparation. Mr. Vosvick also has a vast amount of experience with Public Education and Consultation, Cultural Resource Management Plans, Tribal Consultation, National Register Assessments and deed research. Mr. Vosvick manages a project from its inception with client consultation, fieldwork strategies, report preparation, and SHPO consultation to bring a project to a close.
Richard was born in Morgantown, West Virginia. He spent 26 years in the Marine Corps, retiring as a Major in 1998. He has been a long time student of the American Civil War especially as it relates to West Virginia. Rick is associated with the Clarksburg Civil War Roundtable, Morgantown Civil War Roundtable, and is President of Rich Mountain Battlefield Foundation. He is a volunteer on the Civil War Task Force, for West Virginia’s Division of Tourism, which is responsible for West Virginia Civil War Trails. In June 2009 he was appointed by Governor Manchin to The West Virginia Sesquicentennial of the American Civil War Commission. Since retiring, from the Marine Corps, he has worked in the Information Technology field with The Department of Justice. In December 2013, he retired from Lockheed Martin. Rick is author of a book in the Images of America Series titled West Virginia in the Civil War.
Jared is the Supporting Land Use Attorney at the LUSD Law Clinic. He was born in Wheeling, WV and was raised in Leesburg, VA. He holds degrees from The Catholic University of America – Columbus School of Law, the University of Hawaii, Manoa (Masters) and West Virginia University (undergraduate). Jared is an AICP-certified planner and his background includes work as a local government planner and as a planning consultant.
Doug is Rural Tourism Specialist at West Virginia University in the Community, Economic & Workforce Development (CEWD) unit of Extension Service. He is responsible for developing and delivering rural tourism development services and in doing so works collaboratively with the team of Extension professionals to promote sustainable development of tourism businesses in West Virginia. Duties entail development of proactive applied research, teaching, and service programs in tourism development including significance of rural tourism, planning and managing rural tourism, rural tourism business opportunities, marketing, and economics of tourism.
Charlie is currently employed by Hampshire County as their Building Code Official, Floodplain Administrator, Planning Compliance Officer, and Historic Landmarks Director. He also serves as Floodplain Administrator for Tucker County, and the Towns of Bayard, Capon Bridge and Hendricks. Charlie is the Chair of the West Virginia Floodplain Management Association and was also 2014 West Virginia Floodplain Manager of the year, and is a Certified Floodplain Manager with the Association of State Floodplain Managers. Along with government work and farming he also has a firearms business which has sales, and is certified as a NRA Basic Pistol, Advanced Pistol in the Home, and Refuse to be a Victim Instructor as well as a Range Safety Officer. He attended West Virginia University and graduated in 1996 with a degree in Recreation and Parks Administration.
Martha has been involved in trails for many years; initially as Program Administrator and Director for WV Scenic Trails Association, then as Grant Administrator for the Historic Theatre and New Deal/CCC Trails with Preservation Alliance of WV. Ballman is still active with heritage tourism development projects. She is currently developing an entity to "showcase" traditional artists for visitors and travelers through collaboration with bus tours, conferences and event planners. She is active as a board member for Preservation Alliance of WV, FOOTMAD (Friends Of Old Time Music And Dance) and Kanawha Historic and Preservation Society and serves on the Steering Committee for the Advocates for a Safe Water System. Ballman resides in South Charleston, "Someplace Special"!
Craig is a practicing structural engineer, working exclusively in historic preservation. He holds undergraduate degrees in civil engineering and architecture, a graduate degree in structural engineering, all from Georgia Tech, and now lectures in the Clemson / College of Charleston joint program in historic preservation. For the past 26 years, Bennett has led the evaluation and repair of a number of historic structures, covering most areas between New Orleans and Washington DC. Bennett is president of Bennett Preservation Engineering PC in Charleston, SC and considers it a privilege to work on some of our nation’s most cherished structures
Prior to joining WVU in 2008, Jenny served as the Executive Director of Main Street Laurens, a nonprofit 501(c) 3 economic development organization in Upstate South Carolina. Under her direction, Laurens received over half a million dollars in grants and programming. Jenny also served as a Design Services Consultant with South Carolina Downtown Development Association in Columbia, South Carolina where she developed computer-generated renderings of historic building facades while assisting in design-related issues (signage, streetscape/green space development, and master planning) across the state. Jenny designs and teaches classes in Public History and Cultural Resource Management. Her areas of strength include historic preservation, community revitalization and partnerships.
Jessica specializes in GIS (Geographic Information Systems) at Region VII Planning and Development Council. Jessica received her Bachelor of Science degree in Architectural Engineering Technology in 1999 from Fairmont State University. In 2007, she completed her Master’s Degree in History, as well as a graduate certificate in Cultural Resource Management, from West Virginia University. Jessica is currently a PhD candidate in GIS and Historical Geography at West Virginia University. While Jessica’s responsibilities center on managing and maintaining GIS data and mapping services for relevant projects at Region VII, she also has a background in engineering, design, construction management, historic preservation, grant writing and heritage tourism. Jessica has not only enabled Region VII to start providing GIS and mapping services, but her background allows for an approach to project development that is wide-ranging and diverse.
Peter is the Associate Professor of Landscape Architecture, School of Design and Community Development, West Virginia University. MLA (2001, Landscape Architecture, Iowa State University), BLA (2000, Landscape Architecture, Iowa State University, BA (1992, English-Creative Writing with French minor, University of Wisconsin-Madison). Peter joined the WVU faculty in 2008. His research interests include cultural landscape research and planning; community design process; industrial landscape reclamation and interpretation; and design studio pedagogy. His research projects include cultural landscape inventory, analysis and treatment; visualization; brownfields reclamation; land use planning; historic transportation corridor planning; and participatory design methods.
Daniel was hired as President and CEO of Historic Savannah Foundation in December of 2008. He came to Savannah after serving nearly 18 years in various field positions at the National Trust for Historic Preservation from Charleston, South Carolina to Fort Worth, Texas.
Born and raised in Louisville, Kentucky, Daniel worked in state and local government in Kentucky before joining the National Trust. He holds a bachelor’s degree in American Studies from the University of Notre Dame and a master’s degree in Historic Preservation from Western Kentucky University. He also earned a certificate in law and public policy from the University of Texas at Arlington.
Daniel leads a strong organization in Historic Savannah Foundation with a seasoned staff of 8, a board of 25, a membership of over 700, and an annual budget of $1.2 million. HSF is proud of its outstanding museum—the Davenport House, its nationally recognized Revolving Fund, and its strong educational and advocacy programs.
For more than 60 years, HSF has been a recognized leader in the preservation movement and Daniel is working to take it to the next level.
Ashley is the Code Official for the City of Summersville. He has previously worked for the City of Charleston and Greenbrier County in code enforcement for nearly 14 years. Mr. Carr is also a licensed West Virginia contractor, Building Construction Supervisor, and Housing Quality Standards Inspector. He enjoys spending time outdoors with his family.
Todd was formerly the Deputy Director for the Virginia’s Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD); here, he oversaw all federal and state-funded community development programs, including CDBG, ARC, Main Street, HOME housing rehabilitation and Enterprise Zones.
In 2003, Governor Mark Warner awarded Todd the Governors Agency Star, annually awarded to one state employee who exemplifies commitment to the agency mission and customer service.
In 2010, he was appointed as the first Executive Director of the Southwest Virginia Cultural Heritage Foundation and Friends of Southwest Virginia. The Foundation is tasked to facilitate the future development of a creative economy in the 19 county region of Southwest Virginia. Part of his responsibility was to oversee the development and construction of Heartwood, Southwest Virginia’s Artisan Gateway, a 29,000 SF showplace of the region’s crafts, music, food and culture.
Todd works daily on the mission of using the regions natural assets in order to create a better quality of life for people and committees throughout of the region. Todd has been involved with the revitalization of more than 40 downtowns in Virginia and now works extensively with the communities of Southwest Virginia to help them transform their downtowns into cultural centers and to restructure their economies through entrepreneurial development and a focus on their quality of life. He has assisted in the transformation of Southwest Virginia downtowns including Floyd, Galax, Marion, Rocky Mount, Damascus, Dungannon, Haysi, Clintwood, St. Paul, Cleveland, and the City of Norton.
He played a founding role in the development of The Crooked Road: Virginia’s Heritage Music Trail, and was an integral part in the founding and development of ‘Round the Mountain: Southwest Virginia’s Artisan Network. He is currently involved in the development of a similar initiative for outdoor recreation in Southwest Virginia, entitled Appalachia Spring. The Foundation has recently completed a yearlong effort to brand Southwest Virginia as a distinct region and national destination.
Katherine is the Director of the Land Use and Sustainable Development (LUSD) Law Clinic. She is a native of Kansas City, MO and attended the University of Missouri in Kansas City and Vermont Law School. Katherine began her career in federal and local government with a specialization in environmental issues. She then continued her focus on local protection of natural resources as an Assistant Professor of Law and Staff Attorney at the Land Use Clinic at Vermont Law School.
Mike started his own consulting practice in 1984 and works on a wide range of historic preservation projects for many types of clients. He is fully versant in interpreting standards for the rehabilitation of existing and historic buildings, and meets the Secretary of the Interior's professional qualifications for Architectural Historian as outlined in 36 CRF 61 through the West Virginia Division of Culture and History, State Historic Preservation Office. This certification assures that the Gioulis firm is qualified and has a background in the performance of historic preservation in accordance with specified standards. Mike's expertise includes rehabilitation projects, master plans, building analyses, design guidelines, tax credit applications, Section 106 proceedings, National Register nominations, historic surveys, and grant applications and management. He has been the Design Consultant to the Main Street West Virginia Program since 1988. His Main Street services relating to design assistance programs for downtown structures have resulted in over 1,000 individual design projects, as well as numerous workshops, committee trainings, resource team visits and technical assistance responses. Multiple entities and individuals consult with Mike for his professional expertise in all phases of historic rehabilitation.
Jeanne’s responsibilities on the Morgantown Historic Landmark Commission include grant writing/management, and collaborating with faculty and students in the WVU Public History Program. She is an NPS 36 CFR 61 historian and her company, GranJean Research and Consulting, has served as a historic preservation consultant in West Virginia and Maryland. Grimm and her staff developed HPIs for downtown Shinnston, WV, and Surrey School, Moller Apartments and Washington Cemetery in Hagerstown, MD. They wrote National Register nominations for Downtown Shinnston, East Wheeling, The Ridge and Old Town Districts, the Graham Building and the Marshall House in New Cumberland, the Greenmont Neighborhood, Morgantown and the Water Street District, Oakland, MD. Grimm and her team facilitated two public planning forums for historic resources in Elkins, WV and performed an intensive historic survey and recording of the Morgan Shirt Factory in Morgantown before it was razed. Grimm wrote three articles for the West Virginia Encyclopedia, six articles for the History of Wetzel County and co-authored Generation of Growth: a Contemporary View of the West Virginia University School of Medicine.
Sonja graduated from Longwood in 1991 with a B.S. in Anthropology. The summer before graduation, she worked as a survey archaeologist in the Sierra Nevadas of northern California. After graduation, she began working for a cultural resource management firm on a village on the Delaware River in Pennsylvania and continued to work in the CRM field for ten years in the Mid-Atlantic, the South and Puerto Rico where she was able to participate on many significant archaeological sites including Sandt’s Eddy, Nina Plantation, Playa Chiva, 46HY89 and in the mogote caves of Puerto Rico.
Between 2000 and 2006, Sonja worked as a Land Preservation Planner for Loudoun County, Virginia and Frederick County, Maryland while studying geography at George Mason University. She also did a short stint as the Associate Director for the Eastern Office of the Archaeological Conservancy.
While completing her Masters in Historic Preservation from the University of Maryland, Sonja worked as a Historic Preservation Planner for Frederick City and served on the local Historic Preservation Commission. In 2008, Sonja began the position of Field Representative for Preservation Virginia- Virginia’s statewide historic preservation organization. In this position, she assists individuals and organizations by providing educational and technical assistance and advocating for the protection of Virginia’s irreplaceable historic sites. Two recent Preservation Virginia projects she has been involved with include the Tobacco Barns Program and the Rosenwald Schools Program.
Michael Kline and Carrie Kline are folklorists and oral historians who have devoted much of our joint career to the preservation of local voices and memory in the service of cultural heritage tourism. Our most notable of many "spoken history" projects is a seven-part series of full-length CDs exploring memory and connection along the Staunton-Parkersburg Turnpike, from its prehistoric beginnings as Indian trails across the Allegheny Mountains, through the American Civil War and Reconstruction, the coming of automobiles, the Great Depression and Roosevelt Era, as well as the industrial revolution and the opening of the oil and natural gas fields. The series, commissioned by the Rich Mountain Battlefield Foundation and the Staunton-Parkersburg Turnpike Alliance, involves 100 recorded voices of local residents and historians, more than fifty local musicians, and a backdrop of sounds recorded on sight along the 200-mile turnpike connecting the Valley of Virginia with the Ohio River. With the completion of the road in 1847 just four years before the opening of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, the scene was set for the onset of the Civil War, just thirteen years later. The series, "Voices Along the Staunton-Parkersburg Turnpike," was years in the making, and casts light on the history and development of the Allegheny Region and points West
Michael and Carrie Nobel Kline operate Talking Across the Lines: Worldwide Conversations, LLC, a folklife documentary consulting and production firm. They seek to give voice to a wide range of views on historical and current events, documenting people of diverse ethnic and economic backgrounds through broadcast quality audio recordings and still photography. The Klines record stirring oral testimonials with folk artists and share intimate stories and musical performances through engaging CDs and books which carry listeners into private and sacred spaces. Conducting broad-based community oral history and folklife projects, the Klines weave quilts of truths gathered from varied sources.
The Klines weave West Virginia stories and folklore with spine tingling harmonies on voice and guitar. They live and breathe Appalachian music and culture. Their voices carry the songs with truth and authenticity. The Klines present their music both as entertainment and social history, with engaging ease and hard-hitting passion. They have spent years recording music and spoken narratives from Cherokee, North Carolina throughout the southern coalfields and mountainside farms of Kentucky and West Virginia into Pennsylvania's anthracite country. They have documented southern mountain experience and music in industrial cities from Cincinnati to New England.
The Klines' high mountain harmonies meld with their intertwining bass lines on two guitars, with Michael's melodic flat-picking and Carrie's rhythmic backup. They have performed in Italy, Germany, and across the United States in living rooms, and concert halls, prisons to picket lines from Maine to Ohio, New York City and Washington, D.C., Wisconsin and California. To hear them and be encouraged to join in on a chorus is to be transported to a country church, a primeval forest, a coal miner's picket line, or grandma's kitchen. From songs such as Walk with Granny One More Time, to The Coal Tattoo, all of them wrapped in a patchwork quilt of vivid images, the Klines evoke emotions that touch the soul. Kitchen songs. When they sing, you can smell the biscuits baking. The Klines' CDs featuring regional history, music and folklife are generally on hand, including five of their own music and duet singing, Eyes of a Painter, Patchwork, Damp as the Dew, Working Shoes and Wild Hog in the Woods.
Hunter, a native West Virginian, is a consulting archaeologist and historical interpreter. His career has been wide ranging, and his writings on America’s past span topics from ancient Native Americans to Kentucky moonshine stills. A lifelong student of the Civil War, he is the author of Rebels at the Gate: Lee and McClellan on the Front Line of a Nation Divided, a History Book Club main selection. He guides visitors from around the world on tours of the Civil War drama that forged West Virginia.
Nicole is an AmeriCorps VISTA with the WV Community Development Hub where she coordinates the Abandoned Property Coalition, a network of individuals, organizations, and communities that work together to develop statewide solutions to abandoned and dilapidated property. Driven by a personal interest in the revitalization of America’s once-thriving industrial centers, Nicole came to West Virginia in 2014 to serve as an AmeriCorps with the Preservation Alliance of West Virginia.
Tom is Vice President and Senior Counsel for the National Trust for Historic Preservation, and has specialized in both corporate and preservation law since he joined the National Trust in 1986. He is the author of many articles relating to, and has lectured widely on, preservation easements, shipwreck protection, historic house museums, the Americans with Disabilities Act, preservation public policy, and the importance of old places. For many years, he taught historic preservation law at the University of Maryland Graduate Program in Historic Preservation. A recipient of the National Endowment for the Arts Rome Prize in Historic Preservation in 2013, Mr. Mayes authored a recent series of essays titled Why Old Places Matter. Mr. Mayes received his B.A. with honors in History in 1981 and his J.D. in 1985 from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and an M.A. in writing from Johns Hopkins University.
Catherine is a writer and independent producer based in Fayette County, West Virginia, whose work has been published by theOxford American, VICE, Yes!, the Virginia Quarterly Review, various public radio stations across the U.S., and on the BBC. She is secretary of the West Virginia Mine Wars Museum and co-founder of the Paint Creek Audio History Project. More info at beautymountainstudio.com.
John is Professor of Civil Engineering and Architecture at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he directs a research program in historic masonry structures. He is the author of more than 30 technical papers on the mechanics of traditional structures, and a monograph titled Guastavino Vaulting: The Art of Structural Tile (Princeton Architectural Press, 2010). He has won numerous awards for his research on historic structures, including a Fulbright scholarship to Spain (1999), the Edoardo Benvenuto Prize from Italy (2002), the Rome Prize in Historic Preservation (2007), and a MacArthur Fellowship (2008). Ochsendorf earned a B.Sc. in structural engineering and archaeology from Cornell University, an M.Sc. in civil engineering from Princeton University, and a Ph.D. in structural engineering from Cambridge University in England. He is a partner in the engineering firm Ochsendorf DeJong and Block (www.odb-engineering.com) Ochsendorf is a native of Elkins and he was recently featured in the West Virginia Public Broadcasting series "Inspiring West Virginians." http://wvpublic.org/post/john-ochsendorf-accidental-professor
David is a native of southwest Virginia, where his family has resided in the region of the New River Valley and Blue Ridge Plateau going back to the late 18th century. He has coursework in Appalachian Studies and anthropology at the University of Kentucky, with a degree in Appalachian Heritage Resources from Radford University. Rotenizer is currently the tourism development manager of the Division of Tourism & Film with the Franklin County Office of Economic Development (VA).
He has served environmental and tourism capacities with several agencies, including: director of Environmental Conservation, Montgomery County (VA); director of Tourism, Carroll County (VA); and director of Tourism, Martinsville-Henry County (VA).
Rotenizer served as an AmeriCorps*VISTA participant assigned to the Carroll County Office of Economic and Education Development, where he targeted community capacity building through tourism and historic preservation. In 2014-2015, he served as a site supervisor for an AmeriCorps position through Preserve WV AmeriCorps in partnership with the Preservation Alliance of West Virginia.
David has a background in oral history, including “Oral History of the Prater Farmstead at the Head of Rough and Tough Creek in Floyd County, Kentucky” and “Oral History of the Butcher/Coulter Farmstead on Shanty Branch of Powell’s Mountain in Nicholas County, West Virginia.” Through the University of Kentucky, Department of Anthropology and the Center for Developmental Change in partnership he conducted oral history/ethnographic research in a rural farming community in Powell County, Kentucky, which also included cultural landscape studies and related research.
He has been involved with national register nomination projects including: the Martinsville Speedway, Otter Creek Site - A Late Woodland Hamlet along the Blue Ridge escarpment; Carter Hydraulic Water Ram System; Childress Rock Churches Thematic Rural Historic; multiple-resource nominations in Montgomery County; and the Hillsville Downtown Historic District. Rotenizer has been involved with several downtown revitalization efforts, most notably the Hillsville Downtown Revitalization Project.
In 2003, the Preservation Alliance of Virginia [now Preservation Virginia] recognized Rotenizer with the statewide Historic Preservation Award with presentation by now vice presidential candidate Tim Kaine. David is a member of Lambda Alpha (national anthropological society). The Virginia Research Center for Archaeology [now Virginia Department of Historic Resources] recognized him three consecutive years for volunteer contributions to Virginia archaeology. He has been recognized for contributions to the Martinsville, VA Main Street Program.
From 2013-2015, Rotenizer served as extension agent in community with West Virginia State University where he was assigned to Raleigh County in partnership with the New River Gorge Regional Development Authority. As an agent, his areas of specialization were historic preservation and tourism development. Rotenizer collaborated with the Preservation Alliance of West Virginia and the National Coal Heritage Area. Rotenizer coordinated Bridges to the Past: Historic Preservation Initiative that covered four southern West Virginia counties. He also coordinated the Helen preservation project which focused on the preservation of that property. He served on the Raleigh County Historic Landmarks Commission. He is a former member of the PAWV board of directors.
David has extensive background in festivals and cultural heritage trail development including - the Crooked Road: Virginia’s Heritage Music Trail; the Wilderness Road: Virginia’s Heritage Migration Trail, the Franklin County Moonshine Fest; the Bedford-Franklin Heritage Trail; the Barn Quilt Trail of Franklin County; the Carroll County and Franklin County Agricultural Fairs; and Fiddlin’ on the Lot.
Rotenizer has a strong background in archaeology. He has undertaken fieldwork throughout nine states the Mid-Atlantic and Ohio Valley regions on a variety of site types and levels of investigations. Employers include a number of private sector, government and universities. Rotenizer served on the staff of the Program for Cultural Resource Assessment at the University of Kentucky. He was the site manager of the West Virginia Division of Culture & History’s Grave Creek Mound Archaeological Complex from 2009-2013.
Kyle is currently completing his M.A. in Public History and certification in Cultural Resource Management at West Virginia University. Kyle actively works with the Morgantown Historic Landmarks Commission in aiding with writing grant proposals, completing survey work, and completing National Register Nominations. When not in Morgantown, Kyle works for the National Park Service as a historian at Cedar Creek and Belle Grove National Historical Park in Middletown, Virginia. Kyle aids in planning, conducts interpretative programs, documents historic features within the park, and assists in landscape preservation initiatives. Kyle also served on the Historic Preservation Commission in Stephens City, Virginia during the 2015 fiscal year. Upon graduation in 2017, Kyle hopes to work full time with the National Park Service or another landscape preservation organization.
Kelli became interested in historic preservation and the wider field of public history while growing up in a Route 66 community in California. In 2014, she completed a Graduate Certificate in Public History at Texas State University. She had previously received an MA in Museum Studies and a PhD in American Civilization, both from Brown University. Her doctoral dissertation was titled, “Saving Suburban Sites and Rescuing Roadside Relics: The Historic Preservation of the Recent Past through Adaptive Reuse.” Over the years, Kelli has served as a volunteer, intern, student employee, or staff member at multiple public history institutions (from a town heritage society and a regional museum to a metropolitan preservation organization, an archive, and an academic center devoted to public history).
In August 2015, Kelli became the 2015-2016 Preserve WV AmeriCorps member at the Preservation Alliance of West Virginia. Kelli is thankful for the opportunity to help preserve and revitalize the Mountain State's historic built environment and to promote its significant cultural heritage. Some of Kelli's projects for the year include expanding the WV Historic Theatre Trail, working with the Endangered Properties Program, and assisting in planning the 2016 statewide preservation conference.
Lynn is the Statewide Field Services Representative for the Preservation Alliance of WV. Lynn attended West Virginia University and is both a Summa Cum Laude graduate and Ronald E. McNair Post Baccalaureate Scholar. Stasick holds a Masters degree in Public History and a certificate in Cultural Resource Management. In addition, Stasick has also gathered credits toward a PhD in Appalachian economic and social history and has worked for the Preservation Alliance of West Virginia since 2009.
David (Ph.D. Kansas, 2008) is an associate professor in the Department of History and director of African and African American Studies at Marshall University. Dr. Trowbridge has authored several articles on African American history in leading academic journals and is completing a book on the experiences of African Americans in the Great Plains. A leading advocate of the potential of free and low-cost educational materials, Dr. Trowbridge is the author of A History of the United States a collegiate textbook published under a Creative Commons license. He is also the creator of Clio, a free website and mobile application that connects thousands of people to information about nearby historical and cultural sites.
Jamie is currently the Supervising Archaeologist of the Wheeling office of Archaeological Consultants of the Midwest, Inc. He studied history and archaeology at Marshall University and has over 28 years of experience in the Cultural Resource Management field in 14 states.
His areas of expertise include Archaeological Phase I, II, and III investigations, cemetery recordation and documentation, lithic and ceramic analysis, field methods, historical research, and report preparation. Mr. Vosvick also has a vast amount of experience with Public Education and Consultation, Cultural Resource Management Plans, Tribal Consultation, National Register Assessments and deed research. Mr. Vosvick manages a project from its inception with client consultation, fieldwork strategies, report preparation, and SHPO consultation to bring a project to a close.
Richard was born in Morgantown, West Virginia. He spent 26 years in the Marine Corps, retiring as a Major in 1998. He has been a long time student of the American Civil War especially as it relates to West Virginia. Rick is associated with the Clarksburg Civil War Roundtable, Morgantown Civil War Roundtable, and is President of Rich Mountain Battlefield Foundation. He is a volunteer on the Civil War Task Force, for West Virginia’s Division of Tourism, which is responsible for West Virginia Civil War Trails. In June 2009 he was appointed by Governor Manchin to The West Virginia Sesquicentennial of the American Civil War Commission. Since retiring, from the Marine Corps, he has worked in the Information Technology field with The Department of Justice. In December 2013, he retired from Lockheed Martin. Rick is author of a book in the Images of America Series titled West Virginia in the Civil War.